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Imposter Syndrome In The Workplace

Written By Michael Ferrara

Created on 2022-09-18 00:45

Published on 2022-09-18 01:00

Imposter Syndrome is a phenomenon where people are unable to internalize their achievements. They think they are not good enough and that they will be uncovered as a fraud, especially in front of other people.

It’s when someone feels like they don't deserve their success, or that they're not good enough to achieve what they've achieved. It’s also called impostor phenomenon, fraud syndrome, impostorism, and the imposter experience.

People who have this disorder may worry that others will eventually find out that it was luck rather than a skill that led to their success, or that others will find out about the mistakes they've made.

These emotions can be difficult to struggle with and they can lead to a lot of worries, fear, anxiety, and even failure. They fear that they will be exposed as a "fraud" and even show signs of low self-esteem.

The syndrome is found in high-achieving individuals, and it can be caused by traumatic experiences such as parental neglect or abuse. It can also be caused by the individual's own personality traits, such as extreme perfectionism and an inability to accept praise.

This feeling can be especially strong in new situations, like starting a new job.

The effects of imposter syndrome can be debilitating and can lead to depression or anxiety disorders. It can also lead to procrastination, underperformance, and withdrawal from challenging tasks.

This condition can affect anyone who is at the top of their game in any field. For example, you might have imposter syndrome if you are an author who has been published many times and still feels like they don't deserve it, or if you are an athlete that wins all the time but still worries about losing.

To overcome it, know that you’re not alone, recognize your achievements, and don’t fall into the trap of seeking perfection. Just observe the feeling without believing the message it’s giving you

You will gain skills, attack the learning curve, and gain confidence through mastery. It’s likely that after some time and some success, you will no longer feel like an imposter.