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Tom Brady, Can We Send You A Repair Bill?

Written By Michael Ferrara

Created on 2022-10-19 11:36

Published on 2022-10-20 08:46

When we think about Tom Brady, he appears to embody a team-first mindset. He isn't overly charismatic, nor is he loud, boisterous, or arrogant. He's humble and low-key in his ways. His personality type is a strong individual, creative, quick, and impulsive who will get up in the morning thinking of how many possibilities the day may bring.

Brady's got the world in his hands, flexing, in the football field, making all the decisions. But his interception skills with tablets are where he might've made a bad call. Nonetheless, what keeps making headlines was Brady throwing a Microsoft Surface tablet over the bitterness of frustration.

Incident Response

What does your IT incident response playbook have to say here? The answer depends partly on your company's policies about its property, as well as whether exempt or nonexempt employees damaged the property and whether the damage was caused by negligence or willfulness.

If discipline is taken, it should match the seriousness of the offense. One time Brady used Matt Damon’s house for surprise target practice with a football. In reality, it was just Jimmy Kimmel and a made-up prank.

Computer Rage

Computer rage can become even more aggressive than just slamming keyboards and punching screens. Individuals have been reported doing everything from torching their accessories, to hitting their computers with their cars, to shooting their faulty computers. One person even reported that they mounted dead computer parts on the wall of their old dorm room, like some sort of nerdy Games-of-Thrones warning to future computers. A stressful work environment can also contribute to these problems such as headaches, stomachaches, sleep disturbances, short temper, and difficulty concentrating.

Dealing with stress


How do you calm yourself down? We all share experiences of feeling angry, but we all have choices on how to respond. Tom Brady, now, you can get your flash on for the paparazzi!

We are told that, according to Microsoft, the tablet "should be just fine." Do they ever respond to the lack of performance of any computer running their operating system? Heck no.