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Best Workarounds for When Freddy Krueger Can't Type

Written By Michael Ferrara

Created on 2022-10-31 18:32

Published on 2022-11-02 08:22

Freddy Krueger has been a part of the Netflix team for almost three years now, and his job performance has been great. He’s reliable and self-motivated, and he always meets his deadlines. The only problem is that Freddy can’t type.

So while we’ve all come to accept that some employees need voice recognition software in order to complete their work tasks… Well, we didn’t expect that one of those employees would be our receptionist with a burned face who lives in a boiler room under the office and stabs people in their nightmares to steal their screams.

But here we are. And since Freddy can’t type, he needs some alternative workarounds if he wants to keep on keeping on at Netflix.

Reducing your typing time by nearly half only works if you never have to type anything longer than a tweet. When your work requires more than 160 characters, however, you’re going to need those pesky workarounds again. Let's go over the best ways to avoid your Freddy Krueger moments again. If you struggle with typing as much as most people, you might find some valuable advice here. If you struggle with any of these 10 things, take a look and see if any of the below will help you out.

Hook Typing, of course

Hook typing is a technique that you may have learned in school. It’s where you learn to type by only moving your hands from their home position on the keyboard. This means that your hands stay in the same position while you move your fingers to type. This technique is a great way to speed up your typing if you struggle with the other methods. It’s especially useful if you struggle with speed typing because it helps you avoid having to look at the keys while typing. The biggest issue with hook typing is that it can take a while to get used to. Most people who try hook typing find that it’s not a quick fix. Hook typing can become a useful tool, but it can take a while before it becomes second nature. Another issue with hook typing is that most keyboards aren’t set up for it. Hook typing requires you to keep your hands in the same position, but most keyboards aren’t designed for that.

Change the way your keyboard is laid out

If you’re having trouble with your hands or fingers, you might want to try repositioning your keyboard. While it might not seem like a big deal to move your keyboard around, it can make a huge difference in your typing speed and accuracy. If you have a wide desk, you might want to move your keyboard as far away from your computer as possible. This will give your arms plenty of room to move and avoid cramping. If you have a small desk and can’t move your keyboard, try adjusting its position. It might be helpful to tilt your keyboard towards you so that your hands don’t have to reach as far. Another helpful way to reposition your keyboard is to switch to a negative-slope keyboard tray. This will give your hands a more ergonomic position that can reduce pain and fatigue and help you type faster.


It might sound silly, but inefficient typing habits can lead to some serious typing slowness. However, this problem is easily remedied by using keyboard shortcuts. If you’re not taking advantage of keyboard shortcuts, you’re wasting valuable time. In fact, you could be up to two times faster with efficient shortcuts. For example, instead of typing “find” then “edit” followed by “find again”, you could type “Ctrl + F”. This might seem like an insignificant speed difference, but if you’re typing eight hours a day, that could add up to 100 hours a year. And it doesn’t stop there - you can also use shortcuts to make your text formatting easier.

Voice Typing

If you have a good microphone and computer, voice typing could be a great alternative to traditional typing. Voice typing apps allow you to type with your voice instead of your fingers. There are a variety of voice typing applications and even some programming languages that support voice commands. Voice typing can be a great option for people with hand pain or other mobility issues. However, it won’t work for everyone. If you’re someone who struggles to speak clearly, for example, voice typing might not work for you. There are also limitations to what you can do with voice commands. For example, you can’t use voice commands to code or write essays. Voice commands are also slower than traditional typing. Voice typing is helpful when your hands are otherwise occupied, such as when you’re driving or cooking.

Don’t type digits or special characters

Let’s face it, typing digits and special characters can be a real pain. If you regularly type numbers or special symbols, you’ve probably experienced the struggle of not being able to type them fast enough. If you struggle with typing numbers and special symbols, try using the number pad instead of the top numbers. The number pad is located on the right side of the keyboard, next to the arrow keys. If you can’t use the number pad, or if you’d just prefer to type numbers faster than you currently do, try installing a typing booster. Typing boosters are programs that can speed up your typing by inserting the numbers you type into the correct spot in your document. Sounds silly, right? But it works and can save you a ton of time!

Use a physical keyboard

If you’re not having any luck with the above strategies, it might make sense to switch to a physical keyboard. Physical keyboards are quickly becoming rarer and rarer in our digital world, but they are still a valid option for people who have trouble typing on their computers. Physical keyboards come with their own set of pros and cons. Let’s start with the pros: Switching to a physical keyboard can help you type faster. Physical keyboards are also beneficial for people with carpal tunnel or other hand pain-related issues. There are a few cons to switching to a physical keyboard as well. First, physical keyboards are noticeably slower than their digital counterparts. If you need to type quickly, you might want to stay with your computer keyboard unless your circumstances don’t allow it.

Freddy has said wisely, "I'll split you in two," meaning there might be a big advantage to using split keyboards. An advantage is that you do not suffer from RSI due to twisted wrists: the wrists remain straight during typing. Most split keyboards have a slim design or wrist support. The hands do not need to tilt during typing. This natural wrist posture reduces strain on the tendons.


Typing is an essential part of daily life, and luckily, there are a lot of ways to improve your typing skills. If you struggle with typing, try some of these workarounds to speed up your typing and make it less painful. After all, Freddy Krueger picks his options wisely.

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