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How Technology Is Telling Us Life Has No Meaning

Written By Michael Ferrara

Created on 2022-11-12 17:40

Published on 2022-12-01 09:51

Have you ever wondered why so many great minds in history have left behind their own search for meaning and come up with answers? Maybe it’s because they saw the pointlessness of life so clearly. Maybe they knew that our universe is an absurd place. It’s full of darkness, cruelty, and despair. We are just tiny specks on a small planet that doesn’t matter at all. And this is exactly what technology has made us see: There is no purpose in life, except the one we assign it ourselves. Life has no meaning without us assigning it some. Technology has revealed to us how meaningless our lives truly are. Let’s take a closer look at how exactly this happened.

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Meaningless Existence Is A Basic Part Of Life

The first point to make about how technology has shown us life has no meaning is that the very fact that we exist is meaningless. This is because life itself is meaningless. This is something that philosophers have come to terms with for a long time. Existence has no inherent meaning. To exist does not mean anything in and of itself. This is because everything that exists is contingent on something else. Existing alone doesn’t mean anything. It is not its own value. Being is not the same as having meaning. Existence by itself is just being. It is not meaningful. It has no value unless it is attached to something else. It has no value unless it is linked to something else. It has no value unless it is attached to something good. It has no value unless it is attached to something that is meaningful.

The Pointlessness of Our Individual Existence

Technology has shown us the pointlessness of our individual existence by making us more aware of how insignificant we are. It has made us more aware of how small we are. It has made us more aware of how short our lives are. It has made us more aware of how fragile we are as individuals. And these are just a few ways in which technology has shown us that our lives are meaningless. We are insignificant in the grand scheme of things both as a species and as individuals. We are one of many species. There are billions of people on our planet alone. We have no idea what any of these species and people exist for. We have no idea why we are here. We also have no idea how long we are going to be here. There is no reason for our individual existence. There’s no meaning behind it. There is no purpose for us to exist.

The Pointlessness of Human Existence

Technology has also shown us the pointlessness of human existence. It has shown us that human existence has no inherent meaning. It has shown us that our species has no purpose or value because it has shown us that we are not special or unique at all. Humans are just one species among billions of others. We are just one of many kinds of animals. We are just one of many kinds of organisms. We have no idea what any of us exist for. There is no reason for us to exist. There is no meaning behind our existence. There is nothing special or unique about us as humans. We are just one of many species on one of many planets. We have no idea why we are here. We have no idea how long we are going to be here. There is no special reason we have been allowed to exist. There is no special reason we have been made the way we are.

Technology Has Revealed How Life Is Without Us

Technology has shown us that life is meaningful without us. It has shown us that our existence is not needed for life to be meaningful. It has shown us that our species has no inherent meaning and that life is meaningful without us. It has shown us that our planet and the universe will continue to function whether we are here or not. It has shown us that life goes on for as long as it does completely regardless of whether us being here or not. It has shown us that we are so insignificant that we don’t even matter in the grand scheme of things. It has shown us that life goes on without us being here. It has shown us that life is meaningful without humans being here. It has shown us that life has a purpose without humans being here. It has shown us that life has value without humans being here. It has shown us that life has meaning without humans being here. It has shown us that life has significance without humans being here. It has shown us that life is valuable without humans being here.


The conclusion to all of this is that technology has shown us that life has no meaning. This is because technology has shown us that existing is not meaningful. Existing is not its own value. It has also shown us that our individual existence has no meaning. It has shown us the pointlessness of human existence and shown us that life is meaningful without us being here. It has shown us that life has no meaning without us giving it some.

Life Has No Meaning Until You Create It, by Rinus Le Roux, is available in Paperback form.

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