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The Dark Side of Self-Driving Cars: When Technology and Human Nature Collide

Written By Michael Ferrara

Created on 2023-04-27 12:27

Published on 2023-04-27 13:00

Mike and Jake, a gay couple, stepped into a self-driving taxi to go shopping downtown. As they settled into their seats, the autonomous vehicle started its journey.

Mike: "Isn't it amazing how far technology has come? This self-driving taxi is so convenient!"

Jake: "I know, right? It's like having our own personal chauffeur!"

As they chatted, the taxi approached a construction zone with a detour sign. The self-driving vehicle hesitated, then took an unexpected turn onto a narrow side street.

Jake: "Uh, is this the right way? It looks sketchy."

Mike: "I'm not sure. But let's trust the car; it's supposed to know the best route."

As they continued down the unfamiliar street, they encountered a group of people blocking the road, causing the taxi to stop abruptly.

Mike: "What's going on?"

Jake: "I don't know, but I'm starting to feel uneasy about this."

Suddenly, a man approached the taxi and banged on the window. The couple's hearts raced as they realized the situation could become dangerous. Before they could react, the autonomous vehicle detected the potential threat and quickly found an alternate route, smoothly steering away from the group.

Jake: "Wow, that was close! Good thing the car was smart enough to get us out of there."

Mike: "Definitely. It's impressive, but we still need to be cautious with these self-driving cars."

The couple continued their shopping trip, now acutely aware of the potential dangers that can arise when relying on autonomous vehicles and the importance of the technology's ability to respond to unexpected situations.

The Software Struggle: Bugs and Unpredictability

Autonomous vehicles rely on complex software and machine learning neural networks to navigate safely. These systems, however, are prone to bugs and unpredictable behaviors, making image recognition and classification crucial for successful navigation. Autonomous vehicles must account for various potential behaviors, from swerving bicycles to sudden obstructions, in order to safely navigate the diverse landscape of public roads.

Example: Imagine an autonomous vehicle driving down a busy street when a ball rolls into its path, followed by a child. The software should recognize this situation and react appropriately, such as braking or swerving. However, due to a bug, the vehicle fails to detect the child and continues moving, causing a potentially fatal accident. This example illustrates the importance of addressing software issues to ensure the safety of everyone on the road.

Safety First: Ensuring Reliability and Preparedness

The safety of passengers and the surrounding environment must be the top priority for autonomous vehicle manufacturers. Thorough testing of the algorithms used in self-driving vehicles is crucial, particularly for low-probability yet catastrophic situations. Fictitious yet realistic inputs can be used to test software responses under various conditions.

Example: During testing, an autonomous vehicle encounters a simulated landslide on a mountain road. In this scenario, the vehicle's sensors detect the falling rocks and debris, allowing it to stop in time and avoid a collision. By testing the vehicle's response to such rare but dangerous situations, manufacturers can ensure that their software is prepared for real-world challenges and enhance the overall safety of self-driving cars.

Human Misbehavior: Vandalism, Negligence, and Cyber Threats

Beyond software issues, autonomous vehicles also face threats from human misbehavior. Vandalism, abuse, and negligence are all potential risks to self-driving cars, as well as cyber threats like denial of service attacks and malware. Ensuring that vehicles can reject unauthorized software updates and maintain secure communication is essential for combating these challenges.

Example: A group of teenagers decides to "prank" a self-driving car by spray-painting its sensors, rendering the vehicle unable to operate safely. This act of vandalism not only damages the car but also endangers the passengers and other road users. This example highlights the importance of addressing human misbehavior and ensuring that autonomous vehicles are equipped with protective measures against such threats.

Balancing Innovation and Responsibility

As technology continues to advance, it is crucial for autonomous vehicle manufacturers to balance innovation with responsibility. This involves addressing software challenges, prioritizing safety, and guarding against human misbehavior to ensure that self-driving cars are a reliable and secure transportation option for the future.

Example: A leading autonomous vehicle manufacturer implements rigorous software testing, cyber-security measures, and vandal-resistant materials in their latest self-driving car model. By taking a responsible approach to innovation, they minimize the risks associated with both software bugs and human misbehavior, ultimately creating a safer and more reliable transportation option for consumers.


The future of self-driving cars depends on striking the right balance between embracing cutting-edge technology and addressing potential risks. By recognizing the challenges associated with software bugs, human misbehavior, and safety, manufacturers can pave the way for a more secure and reliable autonomous transportation future.

Autonomy: The Quest to Build the Driverless Car—And How It Will Reshape Our World by Lawrence D. Burns and Christopher Shulgan, is available on paperback form.

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Tech Topics is a newsletter with a focus on contemporary challenges and innovations in the workplace and the broader world of technology. Produced by Boston-based Conceptual Technology (, the articles explore various aspects of professional life, including workplace dynamics, evolving technological trends, job satisfaction, diversity and discrimination issues, and cybersecurity challenges. These themes reflect a keen interest in understanding and navigating the complexities of modern work environments and the ever-changing landscape of technology.

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