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Legal Games: The U.S. System as an Arcade

Written By Michael Ferrara

Created on 2024-05-14 11:53

Published on 2024-05-15 14:14

What can be more fun than navigating levels, facing challenges, collecting rewards, and aiming for high scores in an arcade game, all governed by a set of established rules and mechanisms? Surprisingly, the U.S. legal system, particularly in the historic and intellectually vibrant setting of Boston, New England, offers a similar thrill. This article delves into the playful parallels between arcade games and the U.S. legal process. From gathering tokens to engage in legal battles, advancing through increasingly complex court levels, overcoming challenges and obstacles, to striving for rewards while dodging penalties, the legal world in the heart of New England can be as engaging as any game in an arcade. The backdrop of Boston's rich history and its pivotal role in American law adds a unique depth to this legal game, blending tradition with the excitement of strategic gameplay.

Justice Meets Joystick: A whimsical sketch blending the iconic Boston skyline with arcade elements on a judge's gavel, symbolizing the playful intersection of law and gaming.

Token System

In the legal arena, initiating and pursuing a case often requires financial resources, akin to needing coins or tokens to play arcade games. From paying for legal representation to covering court fees, the costs can be substantial, gating access much like an arcade machine that only operates when the tokens are inserted. This financial barrier sets the stage for who can play and who may have to walk away, just as some might bypass an arcade game if they lack the necessary coins.

Setting: A person named Alex needs to file a lawsuit after a car accident where they sustained injuries and their car was severely damaged. The other driver, who was at fault, refuses to cover the damages.

Step 1: Gathering Tokens. Before Alex can start the legal process, they need to gather their "tokens". This includes:

Step 2: Entering the Game. With the necessary tokens, Alex is now able to "start the game" by officially filing the lawsuit. Each stage of the process, from filing motions to requesting documents from the other party, may require additional fees or costs, similar to needing more coins to continue playing or accessing special features in an arcade game.

Step 3: Additional Costs. As the case progresses, unexpected expenses can arise, much like needing extra tokens to access critical game levels or bonus features. This might include:

Outcome: The "game" concludes when the legal case is resolved, either through a settlement or a court decision. Just as in an arcade game, the amount of tokens Alex can put into the process may influence the outcome's quality and satisfaction.

This analogy playfully shows how stepping into and moving up in the legal world can feel a bit like popping quarters into an arcade game. It often demands a hefty pile of coins, making the whole affair a tricky play for those who aren't well-stocked with resources.

Levels of Difficulty

The U.S. legal system is structured with multiple tiers of courts, each representing a higher level of complexity and challenge. Starting from local and district courts and potentially advancing through appellate courts to the Supreme Court, each level requires more nuanced understanding and strategic litigation, akin to moving from an easier level to more difficult stages in a game where the stakes and challenges increase.

Setting: Sam is an entrepreneur who believes that a larger corporation has infringed on his patent for a new technology. To protect his rights, he decides to take legal action.

Level 1: Local or District Court. Sam begins his legal battle at the district court level, akin to starting an arcade game on the easiest level. The rules here are more straightforward, and the stakes are significant but manageable. He presents his case, and the other side defends their actions.

Level 2: Appeals Court. After a decision is made at the district court, Sam is unsatisfied with the outcome and believes there were errors in how the law was applied. He moves up to the next level by filing an appeal. This level is more challenging, requiring a deeper understanding of legal principles and more strategic litigation skills. The appeals court does not reexamine the factual disputes but instead focuses on whether the law was applied correctly in Sam's case.

Level 3: Supreme Court. Reaching the Supreme Court is like making it to the final, most challenging level of an arcade game. This level is not guaranteed; Sam must petition for his case to be heard, and the Court must decide whether his case is worthy of review, which happens only in a small fraction of cases. The Supreme Court examines substantial questions of constitutional law or significant legal principles. The gameplay here involves complex legal arguments and the highest legal stakes.

Bonus Levels: Along the way, Sam might encounter "bonus levels" such as needing to engage with specialized courts (like the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit for patent cases) or dealing with regulatory bodies if his technology involves particular federal regulations.

Outcome: Each level of court offers a more challenging and nuanced examination of the case, requiring increased resources, knowledge, and strategic planning, similar to progressing through an arcade game's increasing difficulty levels. The final decisions at each level shape the path forward and the ultimate resolution of Sam's legal dispute.

Rewards and Penalties

In both arcade games and the legal system, players and participants aim for rewards while risking penalties. Legal victories can yield monetary damages, injunctions, and settlements, paralleling the points or prizes in games. Conversely, losses in court can lead to financial penalties or unfavorable judgments, much like losing a game or failing a level.

Setting: Jamie, a freelance graphic designer, has not been paid for her work by a client despite several reminders. Deciding that enough is enough, she opts to sue for breach of contract.

Game Start: Filing the Lawsuit. Jamie initiates the "game" by filing a lawsuit against her client. In this legal "arcade," her goal is to recover the owed payment, similar to aiming for a high score in a game.

Collecting Points: Seeking Damages

Facing Penalties: Legal Risks

Boss Level: The Court Trial. The trial represents the "boss level" of this legal game, where Jamie presents her case, and her client defends theirs. Success here requires careful preparation and clear presentation, much like strategizing to defeat a tough game boss.

Game Over: The Verdict. The judge’s decision acts as the final score tally in the game:

Outcome: The rewards (damages) and penalties (costs and potential counterclaims) in Jamie’s legal battle mirror the point systems and risk-reward dynamics of an arcade game, where strategic moves can lead to significant gains or losses.

Challenges and Obstacles

Navigating the legal system involves overcoming various procedural and strategic challenges. From complex filing requirements and legal maneuvers by opposing counsel to the unpredictability of judicial decision-making, these hurdles can be likened to the obstacles and adversaries one faces in arcade games. Each legal challenge requires tactical thinking and resource management to advance successfully.

Setting: Tina is a small business owner who discovers that a large corporation has started using her trademarked brand name on a new product line. Tina decides to protect her brand and file a trademark infringement lawsuit.

Game Start: Entering the Legal Maze. Tina begins her legal "game" by filing a lawsuit, much like starting a level in an arcade game. This is the initial obstacle she must navigate to protect her rights.

Navigating Obstacles: Legal Processes and Opposition

Special Challenges: Motion to Dismiss and Summary Judgment

Power-Ups: Gathering Evidence and Building a Case

Final Boss: The Trial. The trial represents the culmination of the game, where Tina presents her case, and the corporation defends theirs. Success here depends on how well Tina has navigated the previous challenges and utilized her resources.

Outcome: Whether Tina wins or loses, she has maneuvered through a series of legal obstacles, each requiring strategic thinking, resource management, and persistence—mirroring the skills and tactics needed in arcade games.


The quirky similarities between the U.S. legal system and the world of arcade games provide a whimsical lens to peek at legal proceedings. Just like an arcade adventure demands tokens, clever strategies, and a knack for navigating through levels and dodging obstacles, so does the legal landscape require a mix of resources, sharp wits, and grit. Imagine Alex saving up for legal expenses like hoarding coins for a big boss fight, Sam leveling up through court battles, Jamie shooting for legal triumphs, and Tina weaving through legal mazes—each tale adds a splash of fun to the often dry world of law. These playful comparisons not only make the complexities of legal processes more engaging but also shine a light on the strategic moves beneath the surface, turning the enigmatic rules of law into an intriguing game board. This delightful analogy doesn’t just entertain; it enriches our grasp of the real-life legal hurdles faced by people and businesses alike.

#LegalInsights #BusinessStrategy #ProfessionalGrowth #LawAndGames #CareerDevelopment #NewEnglandLaw

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